Causes of teenage pregnancy peer pressure pdf

The number of teens within the ages of 1419 has substantially decreased over the last several years. Here are some different definitions of peer pressure from urban dictionary. Consequences, causes and policy recommendations a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of master of public health by akina shrestha nepal declaration. This problem is more prevalent in developed countries, particularly usa. Causes and effects of peer pressure a negative effect of peer pressure is anything that someone forces another to do that makes them feel uncomfortable. In the west sexual mores permit teenagers to have sex before marriage. All teenagers who engage in premarital sex are vulnerable to pregnancy. Most feel invulnerable, like nothing bad can ever happen to me. Make her realize the importance of choosing the right people to be with.

Causes of teenage pregnancy in ghana and possible solutions. Unprotected sex is the cause for teenage pregnancy, but there are many reasons surrounding a teenage girls life that could contribute to an unplanned pregnancy. Apr 04, 2019 so, today we talk about major causes of teenage pregnancy. Furthermore, although a large number of family planning clinics and reproductive health. If your child is approaching her teenage years, consider the impact. Questions have been raised as to what could be the reason behind the high numbers of teenage pregnant girls in ghana. Preventing early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes. Causes and effects of teenage pregnancy essay 815 words. G1751 friendships, peer influence, and peer pressure during the teen years maria r. The immature and irresponsible behavior arising due to complex teenage psychology is another important cause of teenage pregnancies. Premarital sex is a major cause of teenage pregnancy. This is a lot like what caused tyler to start drinking with his friends. Peer pressure groups also force a teenage girl to indulge in sexual escapades and thus become. Peer pressure and pressure to conform to stereotypes increase the likelihood of early and unprotected sexual activity.

While this may be common in many countries in africa, it is exceptionally high in ghana and as such there is a need to come to the root of it. Some of the effects of giving in to peer pressure may include the use of illegal drugs, engaging in premarital sex, stealing. They seek sexual companionship at an early age and pregnancy cannot be avoided. Introduction while slightly decreasing in rates in recent years, adolescent pregnancy continues to be prevalent in the united states, with nearly one million teenage. It causes the teen to pick habits that are deemed inappropriate for their age. This desire makes adolescent peer pressure tough to resist. G1751 friendships, peer influence, and peer pressure. Females in their teens are at a higher risk for hypertension during pregnancy as compared to females in their 20s and 30s.

Teenage pregnancy cause and effect essay 492 words. Most kids wildly overestimate the prevalence of alcohol and drug use, says wallace, who wrote the book. Abstract teenage pregnancy in south africa is growing rapidly among schoolgoing pupils and it leads to school dropout as the teenage mothers have to leave school to care for their. Abstract teenage pregnancy in south africa is growing rapidly among schoolgoing pupils and it leads to school dropout as the teenage mothers have. When looking at the statistics for teen pregnancy, the reasons leading up to a teen having sex must be addressed to get to the heart of the issue. Review of south african research part 2 article pdf available in south african journal of psychology 291. Causes and effects of teenage pregnancy sample essay. This may not be spelled out as a ritual but is expected of every member of the group. Most young people trust their peers and are easily influenced to engage in sexual encounters as a way of belong to a group.

The introduction to this study offered an overview of the extent of the problem, its effects and outcomes, and a conceptual framework in which it was asserted that peer pressure to begin sexual activity coupled with low selfesteem. Basically, teenage pregnancy occurs due to the following reasons. Being unaware about the difference between love and lust yes, most of the time teenagers think that their crush is their first love. During adolescence, teenagers may often feel internal pressure to do the things that their peers are doing just to be recognized and not rejected or ridiculed. Peer pressure is one of the main reasons of teenage pregnancy, and as parents, it is your responsibility to as much as possible stop her from being in a situation you know she wouldnt be ready for. Anyone that crumbles in the face of peer pressure is likely to get involved in unbecoming behavior and activities. It is important for parents to equip their children with the skills needed for dealing with peer pressure. Teenage pregnancy has become a growing concern nowadays and hence it has become imperative to look into the various causes of teenage pregnancy in order to deal with this issue carefully. Teenagers are engaged in this activity due to lack of knowledge about the consequence they are about to face. Causes of teenage pregnancy teenage pregnancy is the harsh reality that many young adolescents are forced to deal with when they engage in sexual activity. If your child is approaching her teenage years, consider the impact that peer pressure could have on her decisions, and the potential ramifications of this impact.

The researcher questions were divided into two sections, section a contains the respondents personal. Causes of teen pregnancy essay 1472 words bartleby. Based on the findings, the researcher arrived at these conclusions. The decline in the teen pregnancy rates is due to several factors, including contraceptives and education. Parents who have a teenage daughter will always be bothered by this issue. When looking at the statistics for teen pregnancy, the reasons leading up to a teen having sex must be. Being a teen is hard as it is, but having to raise a baby on top of that causes a bundle of. Jun 06, 2010 deviant adolescent sexual behavior often results in unwanted teenage pregnancy. First, there is the rebelliousness of parents and of rules of adults. Teenage pregnancy in south africa is growing rapidly among schoolgoing pupils and it leads to school dropout as the teenage mothers have to leave school to care for their babies.

With low levels of maturity and an underdeveloped understanding of responsibility, teens are ill prepared to deal with the consequences of their actions. Mar 22, 2015 based on the findings, the researcher arrived at these conclusions. Factors associated with teenage pregnancy in south africa. Understanding the nature of peer influence can help support youth as they enter into this period and follow the path towards close friendships that are. Pressure from peers creates teenage pregnancy essay bartleby. The conclusion includes implications for educa tors, researchers, and practitioners. Peer pressure is quite evident during teenage drinking parties where teenagers are expected to drink and not abstain from alcohol. Peer pressure groups also force a teenage girl to indulge in sexual escapades and thus become pregnant. How does peer pressure cause teenage pregnancy answers.

Following are some other teenage pregnancy causes that can not be ignored. With this evidence of peer pressure among teens, the question remains as to why teens strongly feel the need to conform to peer expectations. While there is one cause contributing to unintended pregnancy, there are many reasons for teenage pregnancy. Although teen pregnancy rates have fallen in the past several decades, the problem still wreaks havoc on the lives of teens. Teenage mothers add to the number of women who are illiterate. The current paper analyzes the common causes and overall consequences of teenage pregnancy. The effects of teenage peer pressure hunter clark marion technical college in todays society, most teenagers are extremely influenced by their friends. G1751 friendships, peer influence, and peer pressure during. Adolescent, teenage pregnancy, causes, consequences of teenage pregnancy, sexual and reproductive health, nepal. One of the many challenges of being a teenager aside continue reading peer pressure on teenage pregnancy. Other forms of peer pressure are evident when it comes to clothes and approach towards sex or drugs. Increasing rate in teen pregnancies has been cited due to this peer pressure.

Unfortunately this results in poor decision making skills and giving into peer pressure. Dec 10, 2010 although teen pregnancy rates have fallen in the past several decades, the problem still wreaks havoc on the lives of teens. One factor that leads teen girls to become pregnant is peer pressure. Although teen pregnancy rates have fallen during the last decade but the phenomena still wreaks havoc in the lives of millions of teens.

Some causes of teen pregnancy are absent parenting, lack of knowledge, substance abuse, living in poverty and peer pressure. Teens often feel internal pressure to do the things that they think their peers are doing. The study investigated the general causes, effect and the way. Various reasons has been adduced for its existence but. A teenage boy can convince a teenage girl to have sex with him because everyone is doing it. Teenage pregnancy is another issue that has been in connection with the peer pressure. While examining the causes of teen pregnancy, new methods of prevention can be defined. It causes young individuals to do things they know is wrong which can be very dangerous. The issue of teenage pregnancy is no longer a new thing in any society be it developed, developing or less developed nations. Based on the findings, recommendations were made federal and state government. Many teens engage in unhealthy activities just so that their peers will notice them or so that they may fit in. So, today we talk about major causes of teenage pregnancy. The teenage years are a time of confusion and uncertainty, marked by rising peer expectations, raging hormones, and a desire for independence.

According to most of the research and studies, peer pressure, lack of knowledge about safe sex, glamorization of teenage pregnancy, lack of family attention and drug alchohol addictions are among the major causes of teenage pregnancy. Pressure from peers creates teenage pregnancy essay 528 words 3 pages in my opinion, some of the main causes of teenage pregnancy are due to peer pressure from friends and fellow classmates who suggest that having sex during high school is normal casual behavior. Causes and effect of teenage pregnancy despite the fact that the teen birth rate is slowly falling, there are still an estimated one million teen pregnancies in the united states alone sams, urquhart. Factors contributing to teenage pregnancy in south africa. Peer pressure can cause teen pregnancy because teens might begin to feel like they have to have sex to feel good but they dont take the steps nessiecy to protect them from becoming pregnant to. As you see, there can be serious risks involved with peer pressure. Unfortunately, most teenagers are not applauded for their logical thought processes. Among the adolescents, peer pressure is a major factor that encourages the teenage boys and girls to indulge in sexual activities. Causes of teenage pregnancy why do teenagers become. Even though teen pregnancy rates have become low in the last few decades, peer pressure continues to influence teens to involve in a relationship or sexual activity. Causes of peer pressure first, normative influence can make us do things that we might not normally. The rate of teenage pregnancy is high in america, and there have been studies that it can be linked to peer pressure.

Peer pressure to engage in sexual activity is so common, a variety of terms refer to the behavior, such as hooking up, booty calls or referring to someone as a friend with benefits. Teenage pregnancy is also referred as adolescent pregnancy. Secondly, direct or indirect peer pressure is another cause of teenage pregnancies. Where other peoples work has been used either from a printed source. Early dating, as early as 12 years of age, is another factor that contributes to teen pregnancy. Adolescents develop a strong desire to fit in with their peers and be accepted by them. The study identified the cause and effect of teenage pregnancy among teenagers in kontagora local government area of niger state. These programmes must develop life skills, provide support to deal with thoughts, feelings.

Consequences of teenage pregnancy teenage pregnancy center. Some of the main causes of peer pressure are related to ageappropriate behavior. Many teens sexualize themselves or engage in behavior for which they are not yet ready because they want to fit in or be popular. Teenage pregnancies are widely discouraged because the of health risks they raise for the young mothers and their babies. Some of the causes of peer pressure include parental neglect, fear of being ridiculed and low self esteem.

Why is peer pressure a cause of teenage pregnancy answers. Dec 28, 2017 teenage pregnancy is a common problem in our society. Also that incomplete education, isolation and rejection by parents, mothers health risk during childbirth and financial handicap were effect of teenage pregnancy. Sep 01, 2010 teenage pregnancy has become a growing concern nowadays and hence it has become imperative to look into the various causes of teenage pregnancy in order to deal with this issue carefully. Teenage pregnancy, a case of underaged girl usually within ages of thirteen to nineteen years. The case of tunduru district council, in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of masters degree in health system management mhsm of mzumbe university. A big issue in the united states is the percentages of teenage pregnancy rates. Examples include underage drinking, smoking, drug abuse, having unsafe sex and doing illegal activities. Teenage pregnancy is defined as an unintended pregnancy during adolescence and teenage years. This is one of the main factors leading to increased cases of teenage pregnancy in kenya.

Adolescence is generally a complex period where a number of. Causes teenage pregnancy arise from individual, familial and societal factors. This makes the teen do positive things such as joining in a gym to maintain a healthy weight, participating in. Jul 12, 2009 peer pressure can cause teen pregnancy because teens might begin to feel like they have to have sex to feel good but they dont take the steps nessiecy to protect them from becoming pregnant to. The study adopted the simple percentage survey research design involving 40 teenagers. Lack of sex education is the most important but not the only cause of teenage pregnancy.

During the teenage stage there is a burst of sudden and unknown emotions. A teenage girl with a partner who is much older tends to get pregnant more often as compared to a man who is closer to her age. They fail to understand that attraction is temporary, instead they get into the unknown and create complication. Peer pressure can thus discourage early sexual debut and marriage, or it can reinforce the likelihood of early and unprotected sexual activity chandramouli et al, 20. In order to analyze the issue, various information has been collected from reliable scholarly sources. It has been observed that the rate of teenage pregnancy is increasing because of curiosity, peer pressure and lack of guidance by their family.

The relationship between peer pressure and teenage pregnancy has been a hotbutton topic for a long time. Three main causes of teenage pregnancies ackeem smith. In order to prevent early pregnancy, curriculumbased sexuality education must be widely implemented. Teens are at a higher risk of having premature babies. During this time teenagers feel a lot of peer pressure. A major reason, peer pressure, still stands strong influencing the rate of teenage pregnancy in the states. According to most of the research and studies, peer pressure, lack of knowledge about safe sex, glamorization of teenage pregnancy, lack of family.

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